MLM could be the Answer to Starting a Business
Why Don’t People See This!? MLM MLM could be the Answer to Starting a Business on a Budget.
World Financial Group, Primerica, Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, Herbalife, Isagenix, Legal Shield, Pampered Chef, ACN, Advocare, Nikken, Younique, Team Beach Body, JR Watkins, Vector, Vestige Marketing……and all of the other MLM businesses have something in common……they all provide a way for one to start a business very easily. They all provide an opportunity to give people a path to get into the industry that they really want to. They give people the opportunity to be true business owners. From the view of an I/O Social Psychologist, the MLM is by far the best opportunity for those that want to get their feet wet in entrepreneurship.
And yet I see so many negative thoughts and dispositions against these companies as if they did something wrong. Like the CEO personally came to their house and kicked them square in the ass; like they went into your bank account and drained every last dollar that you have. People with their negative dispositions formulate these opinions and really have no earthly clue of what they are b!#$hing about. Even those that have experienced the MLM world through a few people should not bad mouth the company. The companies did nothing wrong (with the very few rare exceptions), but the representatives that are not true entrepreneurs are the main source of the issue. In other words:
Don’t hate the MLM game, hate the player who played you!
To be honest, MLM Companies are the best thing ever to happen to the business world. It gives anybody a great opportunity to not only become an entrepreneur but to build a fortune that can feed their grandchildren for years to come. The problem is that sheer ignorance of the product or service, the non-interest in the company as a whole and still having the employee mindset are true brain cancers that set the mind against the chance to write your own revenue without having to spend exuberant amounts of money.
I am going to start with my own industry – finance. Now the two MLM’s World Financial Group-Transamerica and Primerica (I do not like calling them MLM companies that but for the sake of this illustration, I will) are both financial juggernauts in their own right. To give a quick recap:
They have assets that total well over $100 Million
They both have a CEO
They both are registered with the SEC
They both have an MLM model of recruitment
Now to the average mind who focuses on #4, let me do a contrast and compare. Let’s say that you were interested in coming to the financial industry to work. Let’s say that #4 did not exist and these companies decided to take the traditional hiring route. Do you think for one solitary second that if you do not have at least an educational background AND (not or) 2 years of experience that you would get a second look with either company. If they went traditional, they would recruit out of top level universities and hire executive or specialty search firms that would go and get the best financial advisers our there. If you have no credentials and experience, why in the heck what they want you? And you can say that these firms will take anybody right? I dare you to go to Northwestern Mutual or New York life and dictate to them of how you want to operate with no experience and financial education. Now back to #4 in it’s current form. Both of these companies created a recruiting system that allows anyone that is interested in entering the financial industry to go out and recruit their family and friends. You can now build your own financial firm within months without spending thousands and get started working with financial solutions that can help clients be in a better financial position. Notice I did not say work under these companies. So let me move to my next point…
Smart entrepreneurs would treat these companies as little more than suppliers / vendors. This group realizes the opportunity of using these resources to build their own name brand companies to serve their clients. Smart entrepreneurs know their community and country concerning the needs and wants and will explore all cost cutting measures which includes inventory management, one of the most costly areas of companies ever. Back to my financial example, do you think that most people started their financial firm to start up? They became a “downline” of someone else like Transamerica, Metlife, Mass Mutual Etc.
Another path: Almost any company can add these two brokerages to their portfolio and become financial planners almost instantly with support from the company. As far as the recruiting aspect goes, the smart entrepreneur that is building their own company would not source and recruit anyone not interested in going into financial planning or at the very least becoming interested in obtaining an insurance license. I know for damn sure that I would not waste my time recruiting anyone that was not interested in becoming an insurance broker (not agent). That would be asinine on my part.
Those that never started a company in their lives have no position to complain. They do not have a clue in the amount of time, money and resources to invest in starting a traditional company (HINT: It ain’t $100)
Amway, the pyramid scheming scum of the Earth as I read, is probably one of the best suppliers out there. To the entrepreneur savvy mind, Amway is a brokerage of health and home-based products. Immediately, if I wanted to start a retail business of home based products, this would be one of my vendors. Now, the common thought about Amway is that you have to buy all of these marketing materials and have access to their tools. NEWSFLASH: If you do not want to buy those things then don’t. You do not have to buy Amway’s marketing, you do not have to buy WFG’s marketing, You do not have to buy Primerica’s marketing. If mobsters coming to your house and put a gun to your head while forcing you to open your laptop and pull out your debit card then I will erase this whole article. Let me reiterate that you do not have to recruit for Amway for an upline either but it would help if you did. Try recruiting a team and then working with that team (with you as the leader of course) in YOUR LLC company that would take Amway’s resources and create the best small business retailer ever.
Smart Entrepreneurs also take companies that are doing well and using their brand to create a portion of wealth for themselves. Take the franchise model of fast food restaurants for example – very few of the fortunate have $50,000 to $1.5M to buy a fast food name brand restaurant and go build, start, operate and manage to success. They are supported by training and development the same as MLM companies but unlike MLM, you have to make a significant financial investment in order to get to that training.
Is joining McDonald’s Franchise Program a Scam? Is operating a Raymond James Firm a Scam? Is owning a Walgreens a Scam because you do realize that you are part of a downline with each of those right?
The individuals who do it get as many restaurants as they can and form a group or enterprise to parent them. That’s what the wealthy have been doing for years! That’s what 1900’s Standard Oil started making mainstream, buying up little companies or medium companies and consistently growing. To those that do not have $50K laying around the house, you could still have the opportunity to grow a company and not only give yourself the American dream but to give others a chance to work for a company that gives clients a quality standard of products or services…..your company.
The truth is that MLM’s give people unprecedented access to an inventory of products and services that people need or would like to have. Be opportunistic and educate yourself on how to use MLM companies for what they truly are – distributors that can give people the entrepreneurship opportunity and using very little start up capital. If you do not have to spend thousands of dollars or take out a business loan, don’t. Start your own company and do it well so that others can join you and follow your example. MLM give you a chance out of the middle Class.
Pick the right M L M and start.
Writen by Leroy D. Simpson, Psy.D
Trust me, America is waiting for an opportunity and MLM could be the Answer to Starting a Business for a long term relationship!
Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity
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