Network Marketing Tips



You need to be your best customer. Develop belief in the products by committing to use each daily. This is a business of duplication. Your team will do what you do, so start by using the product. We highly recommend autoship to maximize your earning potential.


Set a goal to be a Go-Getter

Your business can not grow until you share the product and opportunity with others. This is a results oriented product, so pour the juice and let the product do the work for you. We strongly recommend bringing your active upline to share the product or opportunity until you are comfortable.  Read More


The Network Marketing four Income generating Activity Cycle

four income activities

1. Create a list of names

Put everyone on the list. Don’t prejudge. Use the memory jogger to help you build your list. Put them in three separate categories; Family, Friends, and Other. This is one of the most over looked parts of this business. Don’t worry about whether you will contact them now or later just put them on the list.

Read More about Creating a list.

2. Contact your prospects

Once the list is formed, we will need to contact those. The idea isn’t to try to explain the products or the business, It’s to set up a time to get together so that they can try the products and share the business. At the beginning you will be working closely with your support team, and then eventually you will be doing this on your own.

Read More about contacting.

3. Share the Plan

By sharing the opportunity and or products you give people the opportunity to see for themselves what you have to offer.

Read More about Showing the plan.

4. Follow Through

Follow up and follow through are the most important parts of this business. So many people miss this part. If you don’t contact your contacts to get them started chances are they wont call you. You have to finish the process. There’s a saying “the fortune is in the follow up”. I meet a lot of people that say they talked to someone about this or that product or opportunity, but the person never called them back. Make sure you follow up with everyone you talk to.

Read More about the Follow-up


action cycle

The Four Beliefs of Network Marketing

There are four beliefs that must be developed to create a successful business.

1. Belief in the product

Belief in your product is achieved through personal use and studying it. The benefits you get from your product will help you share it with passion. The more you use your products, the more you will have to share about your personal experience. Study the science, review the product information understand what makes your product and opportunity special

2 . Belief in your company

Developing trust in the company leadership and their vision is a crucial element in your belief. Find out who the founders are. Develop a trust in them. Do your best to attend all sponsored events and participate on all the companies and your uplines conference calls. It is absolutely imperative that you make a commitment to attend your company convention. When this business goes from your head to your heart that’s when magic will start to begin and your company convention is where you will get that.

3. Belief in the industry

Network marketing has created some of the largest wealth in the country. Notwithstanding, the industry remains tremendously misunderstood. Study the industry by reading trade publications (i.e: and books about the industry:

· Kiyosaki – The Business of the 21st Century
· Kiyosaki – The Perfect Business
· Paul Pilzer – The Next Millionaires
· Jim Rohn’s Building Your Network Marketing Business
· The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy

4. Belief in yourself

From struggling single mothers to corporate executives, there have been many network marketing success stories. Start developing belief in yourself by understanding and accepting that:

1. You will learn as you build. It is not possible to know everything before you start. This is “on the job” training – the greater your activity level, the more you will learn and build belief.

2. The “Law of Averages” says you must get “no’s” to get your “yes’s”. “No’s” are not directed at you personally and will not affect your success unless you allow it. Major league ball players strike out 7 of 10 times but get paid millions for the 3 they hit. Keep in mind you only need 3!!!

3. Investing in yourself is not an option. You must listen to audios, read books, and participate in the conference calls and events. Give yourself permission to learn & realize your first six months are a training period.

Recommended reading:
· The Slight Edge
· The Magic of Thinking Big
· Read & Get Rich
· As a Man Thinketh

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