
You may have a business plan that will allow you to accomplish your financial dreams and goals. If so please look around at my website I have many great self-help and business building ideas for everyone no matter what business you’re in or where you’re going. I wish you the best on your journey. I hope I can help you get there a little faster or better off. I look forward to connecting and getting to know you better.

Looking for opportunityVasayo Launch

I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life. Yes I have worked many JOB’s also. But working for myself has been my goal and focus since I was about 10.

I’ve been in the homebased business industry for over 20 years with many successes. I have also worked on the corporate side of a Network Marketing company. I was a paid consultant for about a year and a half. I helped the company create their compensation plane and their training system.

I have also been in the internet marketing business for about 10 years. I have created several very good incomes online.

After over 20 years in the homebased business industry. I became very disappointed in the  Network Marketing industry. Watching leaders jump from one company to another every several years. Building a business is not that fun to have to rebuild every few years. Even if you wanted to stay with that company when your upline jumps it leaves your team in shambles.

So what is out there that has a future?

 Dallin Larsen ( The founder on MonaVie is Launching his final business. 

We built a very big team in MonaVie and after that we just could not find a business that worked. After bouncing around looking for a happy please. I even worked on the corporate side of of Network Marketing and helped a company buyild their comp. plan and their training system. But after about 4 years of nothing working we retired from the industry.

Until we got the call from Dallin Larsen. He was launching his finnal business. He invited my wife and I to the very first Vasyo metting.

We are so excited to be partnering with Dallin again

A little about  Dallin Larsen

  • Started as a distributor for Newskin and found much success as a distributor.
  • Then he was the President of Usana and took Usana to a Billion dollar company.
  • Then Dallin Larsen co-founded MonaVie. MonaVie became the fastest company to do a billion dollars in sales. Even faster then Microsoft and Google. 

If you ever wished you could be at the right place at the right time with the right people and opportunity VASAYO is it and the time is NOW

get started NOW https://vstlouis.vasayo.com


If you’re at a place in your life, thinking there has to be more and you’re looking for change. Maybe you’re in Network Marketing and just not happy and looking for the right company and a person that you can work with that really knows how to make it happen.

If you don’t have a plan or you are questioning what you are currently doing lets talk.

I work with people that have a desire to win. 

This business is about people and relationships so I would like to meet you.  Give me a call My cell # is 916-798-8508 or email me at vstlouis5@aol.com

I have helped thousands of people pursue their dreams and goals. I can help you also.

Don’t miss out.

I look forward to helping you reach your Dreams and Goals.

Vincent StLouis






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