
Beginning of a GREAT day GOD is good

The boat to take you to your DREAMS
My Lovely Wife Kari
My Lovely Wife Kari Kari is funny Fathers Day
Team 212 incentive party
Team 212 incentive party
Mel and Me
Vincent & Kari St.Louis Rick & Joyce Zeller and Mel & Eve Vesley
Me and Nascar Racer Jeff Bodine
Mel and Eva Vesely
Habitat for Humanity
Vincent as a Speaker
Me and Eric Carlson
Me and Eric Carlson
Jim Bellacera , Tonya Hamblin and me
I love to have FUN
Sand Mountain
Da Boys at Pismo Beach
Rock Crawling at Johnson Valley
My Truck Rock Crawlin is fun
My Gold Claim
I love gold dredging
Da Boys dredging