How do you spot a wannabe
Posted on October 5, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
How do you spot a wannabe?
It’s easy…
Just look for the person who gets close and quits, adding wood to their fire and backs off.
The truly successful keep putting wood on their fire and become obsessed with creating something big…
This type of massive action moves you past your peers.
The best way to quit worrying about competition and uncertainty is to build a fire so large and so hot that everyone in the world—even your competition—comes to sit by your fire for warmth.
Keep in mind that most competition is created by those who are unwilling to operate at the higher levels of action, who merely imitate others’ efforts.
There can never be enough wood on your fire.
You can never take too much action or accumulate too much success.
There is no such thing as being talked or written about excessively, being covered too frequently, receiving too much authority, or working too much.
I want you to enjoy the gifts of abundance, and I want to help you create an abundance in your life. Are you ready to get your fire started?
Stop thinking about it and TAKE ACTION. ~ Grant Cardon
I hope you get excited about the How do you spot a wannabe like we are.

Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity
Connect with me on FaceBook HERE
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What is an opportunity
Posted on August 30, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
Hello everybody my name is Vincent st.Louis I hope you’re having a blessed and prosperous day. I wanted to take a couple minutes here and share with you this phenomenal opportunity we have. You are being blessed with hearing about this amazing opportunity at the very beginning. I’ve been in the home based business industry for over 30 years and I’ve never seen an opportunity like this, at a timing like this, with the leadership like this. We are helping to launch a new business with the founder that has taken two businesses to over a billion dollars. I want to say that again, he’s taken to businesses in the home-based business industry to over a billion dollars and in fact one of those businesses reached a billion dollars in less than three and a half years and paid out over a billion dollars in commissions in less than five years.
Can you imagine being in the beginning of the third and final business of a man that has created two businesses to a billion dollars and this his third and final endeavor. Read more
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The Greatest Networker Marketers on Earth Do This
Posted on August 9, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
The Greatest Networker Marketers on Earth Do This; Build Relationships.
Relationships are more important than your opportunity, product, compensation plan and skills. The truth is, people care more about you caring about them than they do about the great opportunity that you have. When people sense that they can trust you and believe in you, and have a relationship with you, then they’ll be open to looking at all your different opportunities, whether it’s to be a customer or to be a distributor. Relationships are the most important thing.
Relationships are two-fold in your business. First, you need to build relationships when it comes to your prospects. Be more interested in them than your opportunity. Once you build rapport with them, it becomes very easy to talk about your product or opportunity. Second, just as forming a relationship and building trust is important for prospects, it works this way with your team also. If your team members don’t feel they have a relationship with you, or feel they can trust you and follow you, then you need to work on your team building and leadership skills.
The greatest networkers build relationships, not just with people in network marketing, but anyone they meet. They connect by asking questions, being interested and being interested in them as a person. And so, they collect friends everywhere they go.
Good things are automatically attracted to a person who cares more about people than anything else. Jim Rohn called it enlightened self-interest. With just self-interest, there’s a loser and a winner. But with enlightened self-interest, if you help them win, then you get to win. If you help enough other people, all of your needs will be taken care of. So, focus on building trust, building belief, being interested, listening, being a friend and good things will happen in your life and in your business.
I hope you get excited about the The Greatest Networker Marketers on Earth Do This like we are.

Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity
Connect with me on FaceBook HERE
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What options do we have for Retirement
Posted on July 20, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
The message is so clear if your 45 years-old or older really think about what I’m saying. The message applies to all of us what are the answers what are we going to do? We have found a solution we want to help millions of people get out of that stress that they are in. What does retirement look like to you? Will you ever retire? Is there enough time for you to establish the needed money and income to live the rest of your life? If you are set can you afford another economic crises?
What are your options?
Is Network Marketing your best option?
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Network Marketing or Real Estate
Posted on July 18, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
A Network Marketing and Real Estate Story.
A real conversation between a Real Estate agent that just joining a Network Marketing company.
Now this kind of conversation does not just happen with Real Estate people it happens with all kinds of people that is interpret what Network Marketing is. And the true potential of the industry.
New promoter: “If I don’t start making money with this business soon I am going to have to quit and ask for a refund.”
Me: “When did you get started?”
New promoter: “Last month”
Me: “How many team calls have you been on. Or company events have you attended?” Read more
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A Network Marketing story
Posted on July 13, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
A TRUE Network Marketing story
Are there still people that have never don’t Network Marketing? Can people still succeed in Network Marketing? Here is a story from one of our friends and business partners.
“Today is 7-7-17 which is a special date because 2 years ago my wife & I said yes to a business opportunity which was the profession of network marketing. We had no experience in Network Marketing and knew nothing about how to be successful in Network Marketing, but we did have preconceived thoughts which where all negative because of things we heard over the years and our experiences…
We were looking because we learned a valuable lesson in 2008-2009 when the market tanked and we had all our eggs in one basket as we did with our construction company. So we started looking for a business we could work together. We wanted residual income, also we knew our current business was not going to be the financial vehicle to get us to all of our dreams & goals. Plus I really didn’t want to do construction for the rest of my life. Read more
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freedom is not just an American theme
Posted on July 3, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
With the 4th of July coming tomorrow, I’m reminded that freedom is not just an American theme, it is something that every man and woman should have, but is not guaranteed. Freedom isn’t free. It requires commitment, sacrifice, discipline and a plan. Here are 3 truths about freedom: Read more
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Vasayo is Launching in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Taiwan
Posted on June 22, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
The time is HERE Vasayo is Launching in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Taiwan
Vasyao is Dallion and Karree Larsin’s newest Billion Dollar business. Vasayo launched in the USA and Canada in the beginning of 2017. And now Vasayo is launching in Hong Kong first then will launch into China, Singapore and Taiwan. As of the writing of this articular the Vasayo office in Honk Kong will be read very soon.
Dallin & Karree Larsen was the founder of MonaVie. MonaVie did very well in the China and Honk Kong markets. MonaVie did over a billion in sales inless than 3.5 years. The Honk Kong and China people have been anxiouslu waiting for the launch of Vasayo into Hong Kong.
Vasayo is already pre-enrolling into Hong Kong and China. And pre to the pre enrolment into Vasayo Singapore and Taiwan is also happening now. Go here to get your position with Vasayo Hong Kong and Vasayo China. And to enroll into Vasayo Singapore. And go here to enroll into Vasayo Taiwan.
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The Four Income Generating Activities of Network Marketing
Posted on May 26, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
Vasayo is a people business. Your business will eventually be in your town, across the county, and internationally. It will be made up of people you know now, people that will join you in the next few weeks and months, and people you haven’t even met.
New Names List
If you are new to the business, creating a New Names List should consist of a list of 10 to 20 people you know. The goal in the beginning is to go Star, then help others do the same. You will find in the first few months most of your growth will come from the lists created by people you sponsor, and the lists of people they sponsor. This is a proven method and part of starting quickly with success.
Ongoing Names List
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Vasayo in Canada
Posted on February 7, 2017 | Filed Under Generic
Looking for Vasayo in Canada?
Vasayo is really growing strong in Canada.
We have one of the largest and fastest Teams in Vasayo Canada.
Several leaders have made the decision to help launch Vasayo in Canada. The opportunity has never been better for someone looking for opportunity in Canada. The Canadian people are hungry for the right opportunity and Vasayo Canada is just the opportunity the Canadian people are looking for. The home based business industry is exploding in Canada. As the Network Marketing industry leaders are flocking to Vasayo in Canada. Our team has attracted some of the MLM top leaders looking to join Vasayo in Canada. If you’re looking for an opportunity to be at the right place, with the right leadership, and the right products and opportunity, Vasayo is the right opportunity for you.
If you are looking to try Vasayo’s micro Life products in Canada. Click HERE
Or Join Vasayo Canada HERE
How to join Vasayo Canada:
Joining Vasayo as a Canadian resident is just as easy as joining Vasayo in the USA. Click on this link and select Vasayo Canada and fill out the forms. Fello confident that you are joining the fastest growing Vasayo team in Canada. Learn more about Vasayo Canada hear.
I hope you get excited about Vasayo in Canada like we are.
Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity
Connect with me on FaceBook HERE
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