How do you spot a wannabe
How do you spot a wannabe?
It’s easy…
Just look for the person who gets close and quits, adding wood to their fire and backs off.
The truly successful keep putting wood on their fire and become obsessed with creating something big…
This type of massive action moves you past your peers.
The best way to quit worrying about competition and uncertainty is to build a fire so large and so hot that everyone in the world—even your competition—comes to sit by your fire for warmth.
Keep in mind that most competition is created by those who are unwilling to operate at the higher levels of action, who merely imitate others’ efforts.
There can never be enough wood on your fire.
You can never take too much action or accumulate too much success.
There is no such thing as being talked or written about excessively, being covered too frequently, receiving too much authority, or working too much.
I want you to enjoy the gifts of abundance, and I want to help you create an abundance in your life. Are you ready to get your fire started?
Stop thinking about it and TAKE ACTION. ~ Grant Cardon
I hope you get excited about the How do you spot a wannabe like we are.
Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity
Connect with me on FaceBook HERE
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