The Rule of 72

Posted on August 15, 2016 | Filed Under Financial, Generic

The rule of 72 teaches that money can work for you or against you.


Albert Einstein said: “Compound interest is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.  It’s the eighth wonder of the world.  He who understands it, earns it – he who doesn’t, pays it.”


The rule of 72 states that if you divide the interest rate by 72 you will get approximately how long it will take for your money to double. When you save or invest, money can work for you. Let’s look at how this works and how your interest rate can make all the difference in what your return will be.


If on the day you were born your parents put $10,000 into a savings account, and that lump sum yielded a 1% fixed interest rate, you’d have around $20,000 waiting for you when you turned 72. If the interest rate was 4%, you’d have $168,423. What do you think the value would be at 8%? Would it surprise you that you’d have $2,549,825. That’s 15 times more money by simply doubling the rate from 4% to 8% over your lifetime.


 The rule of 72 is the kind of principles that enable you to take advantage of The Wealth Wave.

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Tranont Review

Posted on August 12, 2016 | Filed Under Generic

My Tranont review

I’m not in Tranont so this is coming from a just as I see it Tranont review.

Tranont ReviewI went to a Tranont overview where one of the owners and a top leader did a presentation. I was called by a good friend that pulled the “You owe me card” so as a good friend and YES I did owe him I went to the presentation to support my friend.
I remember as I was driving to the Tranont meeting I was praying I would not get excited. You see I’ve been in MLM for over 22 years and am a little burned out of the whole industry. I had some very good success several times in the last 22 years, but just over the new company every few years thing. Read more

The Swiss Army Knife of Financial Strategies

Posted on August 4, 2016 | Filed Under Financial, Generic

The iUL is called the The Swiss Army Knife of Financial Strategies



In this new, challenging economy that calls for innovative wealth-building and retirement strategies, Millennials, Gen-Xers, and Baby Boomers are all trying to find their footing and chart a path for the future. Offering relevant solutions that meet the needs and goals of today’s investors is just as important as the financial education we provide. Let me share with you a financial option with the opportunity for everyday people – YOU included – to avoid market risk and build a tax-free income. Read more

Roseville Home Inspection

Posted on August 1, 2016 | Filed Under Generic

Why Choose Roseville Home Inspection?

We strive to provide the highest level of service to our clients. We answer questions and educate our clients about the property at the inspection. We put things in proper perspective and context. We can relate technical issues into easy and understanding language. Read more

Free IUL Quote

Posted on July 21, 2016 | Filed Under Financial, Generic

Free IUL QuoteI did a recommend for someone today that I would like to share with you.
Male age 29 married with 2 children
$500 a month contribution.
It’s a 7702 plan that starts with a Initial Face Amount (death benefit ) of $672,053 so his family is protected. Every month the death benefit grows until he starts withdraws. Death benefit at age 66 is $814,810
Contribute to age 65. Total contribution for 37 years $222,000
He starts taking a tax FREE income of $73,702 a year yes tax FREE to age 80
In just 3 years he would have received everything he put into the plan.
From here on its ALL TAX FREE profit totaling $1,105,630 available as a tax FREE income and still having a death benefit at age 80 $108,932 and grows every month. Read more

Mike Hagen is a crook a Liar and the Thief?

Posted on July 6, 2016 | Filed Under Generic

Mike Hagen is a crookMike Hagen; before you do business with him read this.


I have known Mike Hagen for quite some time. I have been in business with Mike Hagen twice. I’m writing this blog post to inform you and to warn you about Mikes Hagen’s shady character and hopefully save you time and money in dealing with him.

Important see comments at bottom of page 
If you are looking to do business with Michael Hagen or join him in some kind of MLM, Network Marketing business or any of his JetStream Box, Evo TV, Blue TV or even his newest scam AirTV read this before you join him.
Everything I’m writing here is 100% true to my experiences in dealing with Michael Hagen. Just talking to Mike you will feel something is not honest with him. Something in your gut is telling you NOT to trust Mike Hagen. I’m telling you listen to your gut.

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America’s Decline We Must Face

Posted on April 26, 2016 | Filed Under Financial, Generic

America's Decline We Must FaceWe’ve reached a place where we must fix what lies in the hearts of Americans decline. Our political leaders or Business Leaders have made a catastrophic choices. We as a nation can’t rely on them to fix what has been broken. Time for Americans to take off the blinders and take a look at what’s really happening in our country. We need to make choices that will put us back on the right path.
The decline of our country is primarily a decline of our culture. The morals and ethics of our political leaders and the American public are in disarray. The American public has their head in the sand, thinking that the government will take care of us and fix things. But with the trillions of dollars in debt America faces, it will never go away and America cannot afford to pay it off. America’s does not even collect enough taxes to pay the interest on the debt. Read more

Forex Trading Simplified

Posted on April 14, 2016 | Filed Under Financial, Generic

WOW it can get confusing here is Forex Trading simplified.

Forex Trading simplified.So here is a simple example of that is Forex trading.  If you have ever traveled to a foreign country. You may have needed to exchange your money if so you have already participated in Forex trading. Forex is the short form of Foreign exchange. Well it’s a bit more then that. For example Companies buy goods from other countries they need to obtain the local currency first. Just like us when going on holiday. The difference is they will exchange huge amounts at a time. When these companies exchange these huge amounts they will actually effect or alter the amount because the demand for the currency they need increases. When the demand increase the amount increases. With all this exchanging going on around the world the exchange rate is constantly moving. Read more

Top Marketer joins iMarketsLive

Posted on April 7, 2016 | Filed Under Generic

A group of TOP Day Traders have come together with a group of TOP marketers to create what is a perfect marriage for people who are looking for a way to create real wealth in their lives.

One of the top team builders in the Network Marketing industry Vincent St.Louis has teamed up with Top Day traders Christopher Terry and iMarkets Live. After years in the financial markets, a group of traders have come together with a group of marketers to create what is a perfect marriage for people who are looking for a way to create real wealth in their lives.

iMarkets Live and Vincent St.louis has combined, the leverage of team building effect and the compounding effect of good trading of the financial markets with top traders.

iML created a two step system which is designed to help you make money and create time freedom.

Top Marketer joins Christopher Terry iMarketsLive CEO of iMarketsLive Christopher Terry , is one of the top Forex and Futures traders in the country with over 20 years of experience in the Forex and Futures markets and over 18 years as a top Forex trainer. iMarkets Live is in over 120 countries Thay have created something is NEW and amazing to both the Forex Day Trading industry and also the Homebased Business industry. We are doing something no one else is talking about. Read more

iMarkets Live Compensation Plan

Posted on April 1, 2016 | Filed Under Generic

iMarkets Live Compensation Plan is a very rewarding plan.

iMarkets Live Compensation Plan  First let me explain. iMarkets live has two separate programs. On one side is the trading. iMarkets Live is a trading trainer and system. They teach, show you and mentor you on how to trade in the Forex and futures markets. When you trade you keep all your earnings. NON of your money goes to iMarkets Live or the iMarkets Live compensation plan it’s ALL yours. (less the small broker fees)

The iMarketsLive is the compensation plan that is ran completely off the $150 membership.
iMarkets Live Compensation Plan iMarkets Live has an amazing compensation plan.
With iMarkets Live you can get paid simply by sharing iML with same people. iMarkets Live has 8 streams of income.

The first bonus in the iMarkets Live Compensation Plan is what’s called The Perfect Storm bonus.

The goal is to have at least three personal customers or IBOs known as independent business owners in your first 14 days is like a fast start bonus. Every time you enroll a new IBO you’re going to get a $35 bonus. If you do that within your first 14 days of being a member with imarkets Lve you’re going to get an extra bonus of $35 so a $144 total just for completing it in the first 14 days. That gives you several days to be able to get a new customer or IBO during that time.

To read the rest of this iMarkets Live Compensation plan go to

Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity



 Connect with me on FaceBook HERE

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