Ways to use QR Codes

There are many Ways To Use QR Codes


Technology is constantly changing and so is the way we market our business also. Having a web address on your business cards, postcards, flyers, and banners just doesn’t seem to cut it anymore. With the changing internet businesses are getting creative with business marketing efforts. Especially if growing a online presence is important to you. The QR codes are becoming very popular with the advancement of the Smart phone. You need to learn the different ways to use QR codes to advertise your business.


First; for those that really don’t know,

what is a QR code?

A QR Code is Quick Response 2D bar code that is readable by most smartphones. QR codes have become popular due to the advancement of smartphones. More and more people are using their phone to browse the internet. The smartphone has put a barcode reader in everyone’s pocket. . Anyone with a smartphone can download a QR code reader and have the ability to read the code and also be directed to a website or specific information. Visit this website to download the QR code reader app To your smartphone.


Ways To Use QR Codes:

Business Cards;

Adding a QR code to your business card will allow your potential customer or business associate to add your business information to their contact list. Adding a QR code to your business card also gives your contact the ability to see your website and any special offers right away.

QR codes can also be linked to a specific web addresses. A great way to direct people to a specific landing page with a call to action to buy or to gather their contact information, you can even link a QR code to your facebook fan page, twitter page or a YouTube video. Just imagine people can actually sign up for your newsletter within seconds after you gave them a business card.

You can maximize your marketing efforts by putting more than one QR code on your business, But just make sure you have a title underneath each QR code of where it will take them.

Go ahead take your smartphone out and give it a tray


Print Advertisements

QR Codes should be put on all your printed advertisements, flyers, postcards, banners I have even seen QR codes on the side of cars. You can link to any specific page you want your prospects to go to. Sending your prospective customer to a page with special pricing is a great was to make sells or to send them to your Facebook fan page to add to your facebook likes. To really maximize your marketing efforts you can get creative and add more than one QR codes on the printed ad, directing your potential customer or contact to different information. You can add a title underneath each QR code showing where the QR code will take them.

Ways to use QR codes

Use the QR code on event tickets.

Directing your prospects to your RSVP page, event materials or google map is a great way to add value to your business and add the number of times your costumer sees your business logo or website. Your ticket buyer can use the QR code to show off the event to their friend by using the QR code on the ticket.


QR codes can also be used on drop cards. Visit Vincents web site to learn more about drop cards what they are and how to use them. Driving traffic to your website is a great way to use QR codes.


Here are a few more ideas and tips on ways to use QR codes

Have the QR code send people to your website, an email sign up form, a Special Offer or to your facebook fan page or twitter page.

Ways to use QR codes








Here is a example of ways to use QR codes to send them to a leading to a capture page.

It just makes good business sense to ad a QR code to your business cards and printed advertisements. You want to grab your prospects attention before your business card lands on the floor of their car, on top of their counter tops, stuffed away in their purse and or sooner or later possibly in the garbage.


As you can see there are many ways to use QR codes.


So, next time you order your new business cards don’t be a boring, add life to your cards and make it user friendly and easy for your prospects to connect with you.


There are so many advantages to using a QR code to drive traffic to the information you want them to see.


Chief Inspiration Officer

Vincent St.Louis

Fighting the forces of mediocrity.


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