Talent and education is over rated

Proof that Talent and education is over rated.

Talent and education is over rated Success has more to do with your mindset then your education or talent. This point is proven over and over again in the success of top income earners in many businesses. Did you know that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were college drop-outs. It’s all about their Vision & Mindset..and willingness to succeed!

It is a shocking fact that only 5% of the people in this industry succeed and the remaining 95% either fizz out or totally lose hope that they will ever be able to achieve their goals!

The longer I’m in Network Marketing and around top income earners in Network Marketing the more I relies that all successful network marketers have a very clear distinction of qualities that attribute to their success.


Here are 10 Mindset Secrets Revealed.

  • THEY HAVE BIG DREAMS: You must have a big dream. Many times your dream is so big people laugh at you. Only then can the impossible become possible.
  • THEY HAVE COMMITMENT: Bullet proof commitment to your dreams and goals. They have a ‘No Matter What’ or a ‘I will Until’ Attitude. Failure is NOT an option.
  • THEY SETTING GOALS: Goal setting is a habit to them. If you don’t have a target to hit you will not know what to aim for! All succesful people have goals for every area of their life, personal and business.
  • THEY HAVE THE HUNGER FOR ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE: Always updating themselves with the latest information. The More they Learn.. The More they Earn. Wisdom is not the same as knowledge and knowledge is not the same as education. Education is learning, Wisdom and knowledge are the ability to use what you learn.
  • THEY TAKE ACTION: As soon as an idea pops in.. they implement it IMMEDIATELY! It’s better to act and fail then not to act and never succeed.
  • THEY ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN: If you fail to plan then you plan to fail! Plans are not goals. Your plan is how you will accomplish your goal. Your DMO (Daily Method of Operation)
  • THEY ARE LEADERS : People follow Leaders. Leadership is a choice and an action not a birthright. The most successful Networkers are Leaders.
  • THEY HAVE AN EXTREMELY HIGH SELF-ESTEEM: The super successful people in the world always BELIEVE that THEY ARE EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL! A high self-esteem can be created by using all of these sets consistently.
  • THEY HAVE GREAT PEOPLE SKILLS: If you don’t have good people skills that’s OK. Good people skills is a skill that can be acquired. Great Networkers are usually warm, friendly and easy to approach.
  • THEY ARE GENUINE: This is one quality which make the Successful stand out long term, from the crowd. The more successful of a leader you become the more your true self with show. So be genuine from the start and watch your leadership grow.

I hope this post will help you as a guide to your success.

Chief Inspiration Officer

Vincent St.Louis

Fighting the forces of Mediocrity.


PS If you are looking for good mentor-ship to help you on your journey to success and would like to work with me Click on any of the banners and let Vincent help you succeed.


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