Talent and education is over rated

Posted on October 25, 2012 | Filed Under Generic

Proof that Talent and education is over rated.

Talent and education is over rated Success has more to do with your mindset then your education or talent. This point is proven over and over again in the success of top income earners in many businesses. Did you know that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were college drop-outs. It’s all about their Vision & Mindset..and willingness to succeed!

It is a shocking fact that only 5% of the people in this industry succeed and the remaining 95% either fizz out or totally lose hope that they will ever be able to achieve their goals!

The longer I’m in Network Marketing and around top income earners in Network Marketing the more I relies that all successful network marketers have a very clear distinction of qualities that attribute to their success.


Here are 10 Mindset Secrets Revealed.

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