Goals, Dreams, and Commitment

Posted on August 18, 2010 | Filed Under Generic

Commitment is key. Commitment to your goals, your dreams, and your family.

What are you committed to?  What does commitment mean to you?

The more committed to your daily method of operation the more successful you will become. Your  daily method of operation (DMO) is the key to reaching your goals. Commitment is the ability to do whatever it takes to get the job done. If you let yourself slide today on your commitment to your DMO it will be easier to slide next week as well. The more you compromise on your commitment the easier it will become.

The lack of commitment will continue to other areas of your life. As you stay committed to your commitment it will become easier to stay committed.

Commitment without faith will frustrate you. Faith without action is a wish. Action without purpose is meaningless.

Let me tell you a story about commitment Read more