Last 90 goal challenge for 2012

This is the last 90 goal challenge for 2012

ON Wednesday October 3rd there will be 90 days left in the year 2012! Take advantage of this time to end the year with momentum. Drive yourself to accomplish something great at the end of 2012. Remember; there is a difference between being interested and being committed. Set a 90 day goal. Be committed to giving it everything you have for 90 days. How would you like to start out 2013 with massive momentum to reaching your full potential?

 Finish 2012 with a bang and set yourself up for 2013 success.

A goal is a contract with yourself and should be based less on what you want to do and more on what you promise yourself you will actually accomplish.


Give it all you got for 90 days. What I want you to do is set a goal and write it down. Then right down a daily action plan to reach that goal, DMO (Daily Method of Operation). Cut the month into one month, one week and one day increments. Then focus on your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) every day. Run as hard as you can for one day and one day only. Can you run hard for one day? YES YOU CAN. Then just connect 7 days in a row, then 30 days.


Every day we are either flowing towards or away from the goals we set for ourselves. Every day the direction we choose is up to us.

Here are a few articles on goal setting


Watch this video on your DMO and SINALOA



Chief Inspiration Officer

Vincent St.Louis

Fighting the forces of mediocrity.





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