What to Say in Your Blog

Posted on April 30, 2012 | Filed Under Internet Marketing

Blog All About It: What to Say in Your Blog


What to Say in Your BlogWriter’s block is a common ailment among blog writers, whether it is a news reporter under a deadline or a student trying to finish a report. If you are a blogger, you may find yourself suffering from “blogger’s block”, the condition of not knowing What to Say in Your Blog.


The media is a great place to find things to blog about. Watch the local news, read the paper, or check media websites. Take a look at what is going on in the world and spin the stories into a tale for your readers. If you have a website about weight loss and come across a news clip that features something they would find interesting, by all means, blog about it. After you give your opinion on the story, link to the original news source as a convenience for your readers. They may find your post so interesting; they’ll want to read the original story, too.

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Posted on April 27, 2012 | Filed Under Internet Marketing, Network Marketing

The common theme in Network and Internet Marketing is MARKETING. I get comments all the time from people telling me, “I’m not getting and sign ups” or this is not working for me”. People you have to remember its Marketing.

The one that shows the most wins.

You get paid to market and sell that’s it. There are many activities that must be done and many that people do only to avoid what needs to be done. Many times they don’t do marketing because they are scared or don’t know how.

The learning is in the doing.

You just got to jump.

If you are not marketing, that means sharing your product or opportunity with someone new on a regular basses you will not win.



Yesterday, I was sitting at a Starbucks watching a young kid about 21 or so doing a sign-up for his network marketing business. The guy he was signing up was also young and had his hat on sideways and just not someone I would pin as a marketer. But the guy signed up. The younger kid was doing Marketing. At the same Starbucks I watched as a young 17 year old was fixing Iphones. When he was done he walked through the Starbuck dropping his business cards on every empty table. WOW I thought this kid is a true entrepreneur. So I followed him out talked to him and now we are doing internet marketing business together.


Marketers are always marketing. You can’t wait for the food to come to you. In the bible it says God will take care of your needs that even the sparrows in the field have all their needs. But remember that even the sparrows needed to go out and get the food.


If you are in any marketing, make sure you are majoring in the majors and not the miners.

Chief Inspiration Officer

Vincent St.Louis

Fighting the forces of mediocrity.


Keep the weeds out

Posted on April 26, 2012 | Filed Under Generic

The brain is like a garden if you don’t go in and pull the junk out the weeds will take over. When I bought my home the neighbors would tell me how many years ago my yard was like a park with paved walkways and fish ponds. When I moved in there was no signs of any park. Still to this day when I’m digging around in my yard I will find remains of the old gardens and walkways.

Keep the weeds out


Your mind is the same way. We must keep up with the attendance of our mind and our attitude. One way to do this is to read good books and attend good events. I have a goal to read two positive self improvement or business books a month and attend at least one event ever 3 months. This is a great way to keep the weeds out of your mind and keep you going in the right direction.

I have read many self help and business book.

Right now I’m reading the book “Why We Want You To Be Rich by Trump and Kiyosaki Great book

A few great events to attend would be Anthony Robbins “Unleash the Power Within and T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive.


Don’t let the weeds of self-doubt and disbelief take over your garden of dreams. Keep the weeds out and watch your garden grow.


Chief Inspiration Officer


Vincent St.louis 

Fighting the forces of mediocrity


Sowing and reaping this spring

Posted on April 22, 2012 | Filed Under Generic

I’m out planting the new crop for the summer. Planting seeds reminds me about many business practices we must follow. As I’m out there and my three chickens are peck-en around looking for bugs that I dig up. I think of all the seeds I planted in business. Many never barred fruit and many did. Some started to grow, but then after a while they died off. Just like my garden. Sometimes we plant this season and harvest next. I planted my Artichokes last year and finely I have a few nice artichokes coming in. Some times you plant a business seed and it takes many years of nurturing before you see any results. Just like my Asperigus It’s just now starting to look like by next year I may have a harvest. Sometimes we invest in people and expect things to happen too quickly. Every harvest has its season.


Spring is in the air for business as well as gardening.

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Middle Class America

Posted on April 18, 2012 | Filed Under Generic

Middle Class America, what are you going to do?

Most people don’t even notice that middle class America is shrinking and has been for many years.

 Middle Class America

Where is the middle class America going?

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Business Building Strategies

Posted on April 16, 2012 | Filed Under Empower Network, Inspiration, Internet Marketing, Leadership, Network Marketing

Business building strategies; 5 Powerful Mind Success Strategies.


business building strategies Are you in business for yourself? Do you work from home? Working for yourself and running your own business is a fantastic and challenging experience. You can wake up exhilarated to begin your day and go to bed feeling overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. The key to business success is to maintain a positive, yes you can do it, mindset.

I have worked from home for the last ten years. 2002 to be exact. It has it’s rewards and it’s challenges. Read my 5 powerful mind success business building strategies below to help create a positive mind set.


Easier said than done, right?


Here are 5 powerful mind success strategies to help you create and sustain a positive mindset so you attain the success you desire.

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Empower Network why I joined

Posted on April 14, 2012 | Filed Under Empower Network, Internet Marketing

Empower Network Vincent St.Louis joins Empower Network

So why did I choose to expand and why choose Empower Network? I have been looking to became in some way apart of the internet for some time now. I have looked at many if not all the attraction marketing plans out there and for my reasons they did not appeal to me. I have bought hundreds of dollars of internet training and SEO training until I’m blue in the face. The internet is not going away and as a leader in the network marketing industry I needed to find a way to one; understand it and two; find a way to use it to help my team build their MonaVie business. To not do so is doing an injustice as a leader of so many.

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Future social media

Posted on April 10, 2012 | Filed Under Generic, Internet Marketing

Future Social Media Marketing in 2012

 Future social media

What is the future social media marketing?

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Google Website Tools

Posted on April 3, 2012 | Filed Under Empower Network, Generic, Internet Marketing

Google website tools are a very over looked resource.

When you hear the word Google most people think of Google search engine. Ranking high in the search engines is you primary focus as a blogger or online marketer. Optimization of your website for the search engines, drive more and more traffic to our websites and blogs.

Google Website Tools


Google is not just a search engine. Google has a wealth of online marketing tools, that most people don’t know exist, Google website tools can help you drive more traffic to your site and has both free and paid marketing tools.

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Network Marketing Today

Posted on April 2, 2012 | Filed Under Network Marketing

Network Marketing Today, the way it was, is and will be.


More and more people are looking to network marketing as their golden ticket to a more meaningful life. People are looking to break away from their boring routine of a nine-to-five jobs. With fewer people working for a company long enough to retire and draw a pension if there is one awaiting them. More companies are making their employees pay more of their health cost and less of a pension plan available. People are looking to Network Marketing as a GREAT opportunity to add a retirement plan or even do Network Marketing today as a full time business. However, many new to Network marketers today are finding the sea of self proclaimed gurus and online marketing mayhem to be very misleading and overwhelming.

 Network Marketing Today

So what sets the successful people apart? They protect themselves against the worst mistakes in network marketing today, Becoming overwhelmed with too much too soon and with the idea of the week club or the opportunity of the week club.

Is Network Marketing today really any different than it was 10 years ago?

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