Keep the weeds out

The brain is like a garden if you don’t go in and pull the junk out the weeds will take over. When I bought my home the neighbors would tell me how many years ago my yard was like a park with paved walkways and fish ponds. When I moved in there was no signs of any park. Still to this day when I’m digging around in my yard I will find remains of the old gardens and walkways.

Keep the weeds out


Your mind is the same way. We must keep up with the attendance of our mind and our attitude. One way to do this is to read good books and attend good events. I have a goal to read two positive self improvement or business books a month and attend at least one event ever 3 months. This is a great way to keep the weeds out of your mind and keep you going in the right direction.

I have read many self help and business book.

Right now I’m reading the book “Why We Want You To Be Rich by Trump and Kiyosaki Great book

A few great events to attend would be Anthony Robbins “Unleash the Power Within and T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive.


Don’t let the weeds of self-doubt and disbelief take over your garden of dreams. Keep the weeds out and watch your garden grow.


Chief Inspiration Officer


Vincent St.louis 

Fighting the forces of mediocrity


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