Passive Income Streams

Many people now days are looking to develop passive income Streams?


With the present economy most people are looking to generate passive income Streams online and offline.


Passive Income StreamsLet’s look at what passive income Streams means

  • Passive means – without effort, works without you doing anything
  • Income means – earnings, money coming in, profits
  • Streams means – flowing, ongoing, constantly coming

Put it all together and we have a self sustaining income constantly flowing without our constant effort or attention.


How to create passive income Streams.

We are talking about creating more than one income stream. Multiple incomes are better that one. You have many options for generating more than one passive income Stream.

  1. Start a company and hire a lot of people to work for you. With a big enough company this can create passive income Streams. But takes a lot of money and a large amount of stress.
  2.  IF you are talented you can write songs or books. Can you sing or dance? Can you write the next Harry Potter book?
  3.  Joining a MLM or Network Marketing business is a great way to develop a passive income, but it will take time and money. This is a great way for the average person with a strong work ethic to create a very good passive income stream.
  4. One of my favorite options is creating passive income Streams online? The internet is growing and the number of people shopping, spending time and money online is growing. People are now spending more time on Facebook than watching TV. This opens a lot of opportunity for anyone taking the time to learn how to harness all the internet traffic.


What you put on the internet stays on the internet. This is a very good thing for creating passive income Streams. You can now develop multiple incomes online.


In these video’s I will talk about making money online when I’m out sailing and watching Baseball.




There is a learning curve to making money online. But once you learn it the sky’s the limit. The internet is not going away so what you learn will be useful for ever.


I’ve created multiple passive income Streams with MLM and online marketing. I like both for anyone looking for more than one income and really they both complement each other. The information you learn about internet marketing will serve you will in building your Network Marketing business and many of your MLM team members will want to market online so with the right system you can market the system to your MLM team members for a win- win benefit.


The internet allows you to create website and web pages that will give information and give presentations without you needing to be there. You can be sailing, sitting on the beach or sleeping and have information being given to hundreds of people in many different counties at the same time. I have had hundreds of people watch a presentation while I was sleeping or nowhere near a computer and buy my product or join my business opportunity. This is true passive income Stream.


Setting up passive income Streams online.


Most people including me will spend a lot of time and money learning internet marketing. After spending a lot of time and money looking for the right internet marketing guru I finely found a system that not only taught anyone how to make money online but also pays 100% commissions for telling others about this system.

Empower Network is a group of internet marketing professionals working together to teach and train anyone how to create multiple passive income Streams online.


Empower network teaches you everything you need to know about marketing online and generating traffic to websites and even gives you a turnkey search engine optimized wordpress website to market anything you like. It also gave you an amazing passive income opportunity that paid you 100% commissions. One of the things I like the most about the Internet Marketing training in Empower Network is that you are not learning from one so called guru. You will learn from many of the top internet marketers in the world all in one system. When I first heard about Empower I bought the system not just to sell it and create passive income Streams, but for the training. Empower Network is like going to an internet marketing collage.

Passive Income Streams


Using the training I got I started marketing my Network Marketing business online. I have recruited over 150 people into my MLM business in less than one year. The information being taught can be used to market anything you wanted online. I have also created a very good passive income Streams marketing the Empower Network. I took all this training and now have creates 5 passive income Streams with very little additional effort.


Let me help you create your future of multiple passive income Streams.

MLM Success

Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity



Passive Income Streams


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