Goal Setting

Posted on August 30, 2010 | Filed Under Generic, Internet Marketing, Leadership, Network Marketing

First off you have to set goals. I’m not getting into that right now, we know we should be setting goals. What I want to talk about is how to.

I would like to give you a little advice on how to set your goals

If the goal is to make a million dollars a year and you have only made 50k a year or if you want to reach that triple diamond level in your business, but you have never reached the 1000 level. Think about this, the subconscious can only see so far in advance.  If you have never made over 50k a year, when you say or write down that you want to make 1 million a year, your subconscious cannot believe that. You must break down the goal in increments that your subconscious can see. Read more

Goals, Dreams, and Commitment

Posted on August 18, 2010 | Filed Under Generic

Commitment is key. Commitment to your goals, your dreams, and your family.

What are you committed to?  What does commitment mean to you?

The more committed to your daily method of operation the more successful you will become. Your  daily method of operation (DMO) is the key to reaching your goals. Commitment is the ability to do whatever it takes to get the job done. If you let yourself slide today on your commitment to your DMO it will be easier to slide next week as well. The more you compromise on your commitment the easier it will become.

The lack of commitment will continue to other areas of your life. As you stay committed to your commitment it will become easier to stay committed.

Commitment without faith will frustrate you. Faith without action is a wish. Action without purpose is meaningless.

Let me tell you a story about commitment Read more

Are You Playing in Little League or in Major League

Posted on August 13, 2010 | Filed Under Generic, Inspiration, Leadership, Network Marketing

What’s the difference between the $1000 a year earner and the 100k a year earner and the 100k a month earner? SKILLS.

It’s all about skills

The great thing about skills is they can be learned. Network marketing is not about talent. I have seen a lot of very talented people never make a dime in MLM. I have seen a lot of committed people make very little money. At least committed people will stay actively doing something until they figure it out or get lucky. And yes luck has a lot to do with it, but you make your luck with activity.

Have you heard the saying “potential minus commitment equals nothing” Read more

Who is Stealing Your Dream

Posted on August 10, 2010 | Filed Under Empower Network, Generic, Inspiration, Internet Marketing, Leadership, Network Marketing

Have you ever talked to your brother-in-law or your brother and they explained all the reasons why Network Marketing doesn’t work. I bet they can explain reasons why a lot of things don’t work. That’s because he’s a loser.

Has he ever built a large network? If not, he’s the last person in the world you should be taking advice from.

Just because your Uncle John was in Amway for two months doesn’t make him an expert. And just because your cousins Billy Bob had a neighbor in one of those things for two weeks five years ago and they never made any money, doesn’t qualify them to teach you about success.

Most of us have someone that has told us time and time again that no one makes money at Netwark Marketing. As bad as this sounds, the fact is that most MLMers learn how to stay away from Uncle Herb and cousins Pookie and Ray-Ray. That’s the easy part for most. After the first couple times with them it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out- just don’t go near them. Read more

Never Make a Decision in a Valley

Posted on August 4, 2010 | Filed Under Inspiration, Internet Marketing, Leadership, Network Marketing

I’m reading the book Three Feet From Gold. Great book. On page 32 I read – Never make a major decision in a valley. What? I thought. I read on.

Most people in relationships and business will hit a wall or go through a major set back in their life or business then quit or make a change.

I started thinking about how many times in my business I hit a wall and wanted to quit or find a new company.

I see now why so many people quit their business or jump to a new company only to jump again and again. You will hit a wall, everyone does. But when you do hit that wall you must keep on keep-in on to get through the valley.

The valleys create high levels of emotion and no one can make a good decision when it’s based on fear or disappointment.

How do you keep yourself from making major decisions in the valley? Read more

Slight Changes

Posted on August 2, 2010 | Filed Under Generic, Inspiration, Leadership, Network Marketing

slight changes

Slight changes don’t Do a 180: Stay Focused and Committed

Sometimes when things aren’t going the way we think they should, when your working hard and not getting the results you think you should be getting, then you need to step back and take a look at what could be missing, or better yet have someone you trust take a look at your method and get their input.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting to get different results. But just because your not getting the results you think you should be getting that does not mean what your doing it wrong. Most of the time if you just change one thing everything you’re doing will change. Maybe you need to change what you are saying or how you are saying it.

Slight changes will get you there faster.

For example: The space shuttle on the way to the moon needs to make slight corrections along the way. If it’s off just a fraction it could end up at a completely different location. Slight corrections are very important in business as well as on space flight. It’s better to make slight corrections along the way than every time you get frustrated stopping what you are doing or stop and start doing something totally different.

If you stop to do a 180 you are now not going in a forward direction, but by doing slight changes you will still be moving in a forward direction.
One time I was making cold calls and was not getting good results I talked to my mentor about changing my method of operation he asked what I was saying. He gave me a few suggestions and I added about 6 words to what I was saying and that changed everything. Remember slight changes are better then completely changing your game plan.

In Network Marketing / MLM / Affiliate Marketing, I see people getting frustrated with the way their business is going so they start thinking it’s their business and switch to a new company. Then, they get frustrated and switch again. After about three to four different MLMs and five to eight years have gone by they quite the business totally. If they would have picked one company and stayed focused and committed to it, In five to seven years they would be making really good money. There are peeks and valleys in this business. Don’t make major decisions in a valley. That’s where most people make a mistake. No matter what business you’re in they all have a season of expanding and contracting. It’s part of the business. With new companies coming and going every day and all the HYPE out there, it’s very easy to get confused. 75% of all new companies will not make it past three years. So Stay focused and committed. Stick to your daily method of operation and make slight changes along the way and before you know it you will be making money in the six figures in a year, a month or a week.

I believe in you.