
Posted on September 26, 2012 | Filed Under Generic

Why I Use MyPCBackup?

In the last few years I have had three computers crash where I lost everything on them. Actually, the last one I had crash was an internal problem and I had to pay over $150 just to get the computer fixed enough to get my stuff off it then I still needed to be replaced the computer. What a waste of money. My wife’s laptop is sitting right now with a bad screen and I will need to pay to fix it only to replace after or at least pay someone to get her stuff off it to put on the new laptop. I had a virus one time that took out my whole hard drive. I had a power surge that fried one (yes I had a surge protector) in that one I lost all my children’s photos and videos of my children playing his first little league baseball game. That stuff is not replaceable. How would you like to lose your wedding pix, your boy’s first ball game or your girl’s first ballet class? Out of need I found a GREAT product MyPC Backup for less that $7 a month you can back up everything.



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