How to Live a Toxic Free Lifestyle

How to live a Toxic Free Lifestyle in today’s world.

How to Live a Toxic Free Lifestyle The Problem… Our homes are full of Dangerous Chemicals

The research continues to grow, indicating that toxic chemicals play a significant role impacting every stage of growth from conception to adulthood. No infant is born free of synthetic chemicals, and chemical toxicity is passed from one generation to the next, putting our children and future generations at serious risk.

The average person is exposed to over 200 chemicals before they even leave the house. Most are found in the bathroom, from ingredients in soap, toothpaste and conditioners. Those harmful synthetic ingredients are applied directly to the skin – the body’s largest organ. Recent studies by dermatologists at the University of California confirm that skin absorption is a major route of entry. Chemicals absorbed topically are undiluted and unchanged by the digestive process and readily lodge with lipid [fat] tissue.


Potential side-effects of toxic chemical exposure…

  • Feeling Tired
  • Foggy Thinking
  • Inflammation
  • Toxicity Induced Depression
  • Pain
  • Learning disabilities
  • And much much more…

Tests Find More Than 200 Chemicals in Newborn Umbilical Cord Blood:

In all, the tests found as many as 232 chemicals in the 10 newborns. The cord blood study has produced hard new evidence that American children are being exposed, beginning in the womb, to complex mixtures of dangerous substances that may have lifelong consequences. Laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group have detected bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic component and synthetic estrogen, in umbilical cord blood of American infants. Nine of 10 randomly selected samples of cord blood tested positive for BPA, an industrial petrochemical.

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Study Finds Cancer-Causing Chemical in Nearly 100 Shampoos and Soaps

The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) revealed independent testing on Tuesday finding a cancer-causing chemical in 98 shampoos, soaps and other personal care products sold by major national retailers. The chemical, cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA), a chemically-modified form of coconut oil used as a thickener or foaming agent in many products, was listed by California as a known carcinogen last year.

How to Live a Toxic Free Lifestyle   Have you noticed the sharp increase in learning disabilities,ADHD, cancer, arthritis, heart disease, birth defects, infertility, foggy thinking and memory loss, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, obesity (adults and children), early puberty, and immune system diseases? Products often contain chemicals that may harm childhood development and increase a child’s frustration and ability to cope with school, discipline, and sexual development. These are a few of the prices our children are paying.

We come into contact with more than 500 chemicals and toxic substances every day… and there are already approximately 200 chemicals in the average person’s body fat. It is not a question of if we are carrying a burden of toxic compounds… but how much.

The toxic chemicals in products families use everyday have created a serious problem that is impacting their health, quality of life and their very future.


“We are the first generation of people ever exposed to such an unprecedented number of chemicals on a daily basis”


There are now over 70,000 chemicals commercially produced

In the U.S., and the number is increasing. While there are multiple causes of disease, there is evidence that repeated daily exposure to chemicals found in products is a major contributing factor to our escalating health crisis.


EPA tests conclude that ingredients in personal care products and home care products “may be playing havoc with hormones that control reproduction and development. Phthalates are hormone disruptors, causing infertility, early breast development in girls and boys, birth defects and reproductive system disorders. Phthalates can be found in perfumes, nail polish, baby toys, baby bottles, and plastics used in many products. They leach out of these products and enter the body. Estrogenic chemicals can mimic hormonal (or real) estrogen, the key female sex hormone. When the body’s hormone receptors recognize the estrogenic chemical as estrogen, the result is feminization of the tissue. Many common free radical generating sunscreen chemicals also have estrogen like-effects. Such effects can increase cancers, cause birth defects in children, lower sperm counts and penis size in men, plus a plethora of other medical problems. These effects are similar to many banned chemicals such as DDT, Dioxin, PCBs. 23 Even the FDA states “hormone disruptors pose enormous long-term chronic health risks, early puberty, certain types of breast, uterine, prostate and testicular cancers, neurological disorders, and immunological disorders.”

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So How to live a Toxic Free lifestyle?

Systematically replace chemical-laden personal health, body care and household products with safer all natural and ToxicFree products.

Shop local! Visit your area’s farmer’s market or join a CSA (Community Supported Agricultural) for meats, produce, and other goods.

Get moving. Take a walk around the block, play with your kids in the front yard, or hold an impromptu dance party in your kitchen. Exercise doesn’t have to happen in a gym!

Slow down and enjoy life. Breathe in, feel the sunshine on your face, and count your blessings. Stress is toxic!

A great source for Toxic Free, Organic, All Natural and Vegan products is a company called Mommy’s Club. Mommy’s Club just launched Jan 3rd 2014 with 12 products and will be adding new toxic free, organic and All Natural products until soon they will have hundreds of Toxic Free, Organic, All Natural and Vegan products. Check out Mommy’s Club HERE


Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity



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