JFK had no idea

JFK gave a speech in 1962, I was just six months old. In this speech he talks about how fast scientific knowledge doubles every 12 years. WOW it doubles every 12 seconds now. Just think about it. You can put thousands of reams of doc’s on one flash drive. It would take a warehouse to hold all the information you can put on one little flash drive. There are people living today that in their lifetime have seen the invention of cars, telephone, TV, electricity, a man on the moon and now cell phones that record better movies then most cameras, the Internet, Facebook, Twitter and buying and selling without leaving the home.

Millions of people are making millions of dollars online with a click of a mouse and a push of a button.

Times are changing and you need to keep up. It all happens so quickly it seems like a blur. I remember as a boy one day my mother said. “Vincent there will be a time when we will not need cash, all we will do is swipe a card and the money will transfer”. That was in the early 70s. I remember mom writing checks now it seems strange to see someone write a check. Just the other day a lady was writing a check and I thought to myself. “really a check, come on it’s time to move forward” LOL.

What once took a thousand years now take milliseconds. Newspapers are almost a thing of the past. I don’t even have a home phone anymore. It’s getting very hard to think about where we are going. What is next?

Are we headed to a life like the Jetsons?

How about business? Block Buster struggling, Borders out of business. Commerce is moving online and back to customer service is king.

You have Network Marketing growing very rapidly. Affiliate Marketing for everything you can imagine and a lot of people making a lot of money at it. I remember the first time I heard about Ebay. I thought “no one will buy from someone they don’t know from across the country and pay online. That will never work” WOW was I wrong.

Heck I built an international business in eight different countries and I have never traveled to any of the countries. I helped launch a business in India and introduced the opportunity to thousands of people and I did it  all over the Internet. You can build a business that never sleeps all over the internet.

Kindal, Iphones, ebooks, Blogs, Skype. I sure wish my mother was around with Skype. She would have loved to see and talk to her grandchildren on Skype.

But with all this fast-paced business movement remember that there are a few things that will always shine. In the long run People will always stick with quality over price. Customer serves will always effect your business Good or Bad. And a smile will always keep a customer. Don’t get all caught up in the Internet and forget to reach-out and touch someone belly-to-belly, face-to-face. Even if it has to be on Skype. The eyes are the window to the soul.

In this speech JFK talked about the quest to go to the Moon and reaching for that GOAL. The Bible says “A man without a vision will parish” Just think how far-fetched it seemed to so many people to send a rocket to outer space land on the moon and then come back home.

What is your dream? Is your vision out of this world? I once heard “have a big dream the worst that will happen is a small dream will come true. There is nothing that is not possible. You can reach any dream you reach for. Your visions are only limited by your own self imposed limitations. You have within you everything it will take to achieve your visions and dreams. Reach for the moon and hit the stars. You are a winner.

Vincent St.Louis

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