Emotional Buying

How emotional buying plays a Factor in Buying.


Emotional buying plays a big factor in your customers buying decisions. With so many choices to choose from, when someone decides to perches there are many factors that come into play, but none more important than emotions. How they feel about a product or service, and the person they plan on buying from, plays a big part in the decision to buy or not.

Emotional Buying

People don’t want to be sold a product or service; people want to buy, but not be sold. Emotional buying comes largely from people wanting to do business with someone they know, like and trust. Establishing credibility and trust is the first step in gaining new customers.

 Emotional Buying with self branding.

Branding yourself as an expert in your field will give you credibility. Blogging is a great way to brand yourself. You can use your blog to answer questions about your field of business. By dedicate a blog post each week to answer questions your readers will start to see you as an “expert” and will come to your blog when they have questions.


By establishing credibility, you are automatically gaining trust. If you want someone to buy something from you, you need to let them know they can trust you. People do business with those they know, like and trust. You can further gain your readers’ trust by simply keeping their needs and wants in mind. What are some things they want to learn? Create a special report or an ebook that will teach them about topics that concern them.

 Emotional Buying to their need for more time.

Time is very important to people and they will buy things that can make their lives easier or save them time. If your product or service can save them time or money, play that up in your marketing messages.


Cosmetic counters use the free gift as a way to give the customer the feeling of getting a good deal. Many emotional buying people are bargain hunters and want to feel like they are getting a great deal. You can help feed their emotional buying by providing special incentives such as a “preferred customer sale” or “with purchase” freebies. Cosmetics counters do this and it works wonders. Many people will buy a product they had no intention of purchasing, simply because they want the “free gift.”


Emotional buying can definitely play a role in buying decisions. The terms “retail therapy” and “buyer’s remorse” wouldn’t have been invented otherwise. By establishing credibility and trust, as well as letting your customers know they are appreciated and special, you will be able to increase your sales.


Emotional buying is the key to your success in selling. Make sure you know your customer’s emotional needs before you try to sell to the wrong person for the wrong reason.

Chief Inspiration Officer

Vincent St.Louis

Fighting the forces of mediocrity.


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