Convey A Message

Convey a message by creating quality Graphics for Your Online Business.

Convey A Message

Having a website is the first step in an online business. Your store front is your website; it welcomes new customers from around the globe. The graphics you choose play a major role in your website’s success or failure and how you convey a message to your visitors.

Good quality looking graphics lead to a professional looking website and convey a message that you care about how you look. Your graphics need to look clear and well thought out, not blurry, or look cheaply put together. Bad graphics will make your whole websit look cheap and convey a message that you don’t care about your image. When a new visitor visits your site, they will assume that you don’t care enough to do a quality job, and they won’t stick around for long.


Convey a message of Quality with good banner graphics


Remember the graphic you choose should create brand recognition. To be as effective as possible the graphics should also convey a message you’re trying to send to your visitors.

Nike conveys a message of “Just Do It” with their branding.


Look at Nike, for example. Their famous symbol and the “Just Do It” are featured on their website, as well as pictures of shoes, athletes, and other sports images. When you visit the Nike site, you instantly know you are at the Nike website. But if you went to the Nike site and saw pictures of fish, bears, or ice cream and cakes you would wonder if you were in the right place. You would instantly know you where not on the correct website.


With your website graphics you also want to convey a message of build brand recognition so your visitors know they are at the right place, so your visitors will not end up confused and click away. The quality of your graphics also affects success when you decide to monetize your website. The quality of your look and feel will also affect the number of incoming links you may receive.

The quality of your graphics conveys a message that will allow people to buy from you.

If you decide to sell affiliate programs on your site you want them to feel confident that the products you offer are of the same quality as your brand image. IN the effort to monetize your website your graphics could draw more people to your site or push them away.

As you can see, graphics play a big part in your business. If you do not have experience with graphic software or don’t feel that you are the best one suited for creating your graphics, you should hire a graphic designer. It may cost more up front, but think about how much money you would lose by having a poor image as your graphic. It is well worth the investment to hire a professional.

Convey a message of pride and quality your visitors can trust with a quality look and feel to your website.


Chief Inspiration officer

Vincent St.Louis

Fighting the forces of mediocrity


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