Determination and Perserverance

Posted on May 26, 2010 | Filed Under Videos


Posted on May 13, 2010 | Filed Under Generic

Every moment of your life effects all the other moments of your life and everyone else’s. Every moment of your life effects every other person around you at that very moment and every moment yet to come yours and there’s and everyone they will ever contact. Just the fact that you are reading this changes everything. If you were not reading this, you would be somewhere else at this very moment. Think about this for a moment. There are things you did or did not do as a child that led you to this very moment. If your parents did not do what they did you would not be here at this very moment. The effects you had on every single person you ever came in contact with your whole life good or bad changed the world in one way or another. Every contact you make every phone call, every step through life will affect the world in an unchangeable way. You are so significant whether you do anything or not. Just the act of doing nothing will affect every single moment from here on out. So to say go out and make a difference is kind of ironic because no matter what you do this very moment or any other moment you have at your disposal you will make a difference to more than you will ever know. The effect of a red light puts you in a totally different place at that very moment which changes the moments you would have been in. Your moment’s matter. You matter. Make your moment’s matter. The world is waiting for your next move. This is your MOMENT. Vincent StLouis

It is all part of the process

Posted on May 4, 2010 | Filed Under Generic

Many times on our journey for success we get upset when things don’t go

well. Its all part of the process. A seed must sit in the dirt and the mud for

some time before it can rise up into a tall and mighty oak. After a forest fire

the ground is scorched. The ash will bring nutrients to the soil to birth new

growth. Why must the fires take place? That’s all part of the process. A tall

and mighty oak would have a thin and week trunk if it was not for the strong

winds trying to push it over. You see it’s the adversities that make it strong.

It’s the challenge of the butterfly struggling to get out of the cocoon that

allows it to fly. We all must endure the struggles to know how to fly with the

eagles. I know at some times you feel like you can’t take anymore. You just

don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and you feel like quitting, but you

are a winner so you trudge on one more day because that’s what winners do.

Winners grow and strengthen themselves with every adversity and through

that adversity you develop a root system and the next time a storm blows

you’re strong enough that it doesn’t affect you as much. You just made it

through one more adversity and you are one day closer to your dreams and

goals. You must trudge on towards your dreams because that’s what

winners do. You are a WINNER- Vincent StLouis