October 3rd exactly 90 days to take action IN 2012

As of October 3rd 90 Days are left in the year and that’s exactly 90 days to take action on the thing you want to make happen the most! Choose your Goal. Welcome to the 90 Day Countdown which starts on Wednesday, because starting on Mondays is for wussies! To read more about the end of the year 90 day challenge read this  http://vincentstlouis.com/last-90-goal-challenge-for-2012/ 

October 3rd exactly 90 days to take action IN 2012

Here are your preliminary questions for your 90 Day Countdown! Answer all, yes all, of the questions.

As we all know, The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This is that first step, take it Boldly!


  1. What is my specific goal?
  2.  When do I want to achieve it by?
  3. Why is this important to me?
  4.  No really, why is this important to me?
  5.  Are there any triggers in my life that would prevent me doing what is necessary to achieve this goal?
  6.  If I hit a wall or I need a pick me up what songs put me in a great state?
  7.  At the end of this 90 day goal how do I want to feel?
  8.  WHILE I am going through this how do I want to feel and what is a phrase I can create to to keep me on track?
  9.   What great things will come into my life or will I experience from having achieved my goal?
  10.   BONUS! – CREATE A QUESTION- Create an empowering or important question that you need the answer in order to help achieve your goal. Write the question itself and the answer when you post it and feel free to use others questions for inspiration!


Go forward and accomplish more at the end of this you then you ever expected.


Chief Inspiration Officer

Vincent St.Louis

Fighting the Forces of Mediocrity.



PS Make every day count.

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