I was asked a Network Marketing Question

I received an email today from a friend with a few serious questions.


Here’s the email.

Hi Vincent,

I have been receiving emails and following you on Facebook for quite a while. I am sure you don’t remember, but I spoke with you on the phone last Spring about the iLA opportunity. I did join iLA, but was never able to get real excited about it. I don’t know why… it just didn’t “click”.

I am 50 years old… was a stay-at-home Mom for over 20 years, and my youngest sons are about to start college next fall. My husband lost his job a few years ago, and we have been making less than half of what we were ever since. I need a financial miracle, as well as something to be passionate about.

Anyway, I have been looking for a work-at-home business for such a long time, and have tried a few and have never been successful. I have looked at Mommy’s Club website and all your FB posts, and I am unsure why you think this is so great… I am not doubting you. For some reason, I know I can trust you even though we have never met. I am looking for God’s will in my life, and I know you’re a Christian, so that’s enough for me.

Can you just give me an idea … and be honest…. just how hard this will be for someone who is brand new and has no experience with MLM. Because of our situation, we have moved a lot, and I do not have a large circle of friends and family… so I would be starting from scratch. Also, I do not have any money at all to waste on a “pipe dream”. I have done that before and been disappointed (and my husband will kill me :) How do you advise your people on your team to even get started?

Thanks for your time… I appreciate how honest and transparent you seem to be. It’s hard to trust people when you have been so disappointed in the past… I know you understand.

Thanks … L.N.


These are some very real questions. Questions asked by many people. This person has some very common issues. The true name has been changed.


Here is my answer

Hello L.N.

Great to hear from you. Yes I do remember you.

WOW great email. Where to start? Sorry this is going to be long.

Let me start with Mommy’s Club. Why do I believe it will be so great.

First lets look at the industry of the Homebased business. In most cases you need to buy and – or

market a product that people really don’t need to survive. So if they are not making money

they stop buying it. There for you end up replacing the people that quit buying with the new

people that sign up. And over and over until you have more joining then quitting. Very hard to do.


Mommy’s Club will supply people with everyday products that they will need anyway.

Lets call them “anyway products” Now YES the mommy’s club products are NOT going to be walmart

pricing but the natural health, organic, toxic free and vegan products are a growing market.

So what we have is a “anyway product” that is toxic free, organic, vegan and all natural.

So we are looking for people that are interested in that kind of product or we need to inform them of the need

for that kind of product and the importance of our product compared to the toxic stuff they are using.

But once they buy the toothpaste, deodorant, laundry soap baby supplies or what ever,

they will buy them over and over and over whether they are making money or not, because they like them.

That is residual income.


Right now we only have 12 products but they will add new products until they have the whole house and

everyone in it covered with toxic free, organic, vegan and all natural products. Soon we will have hundreds

of toxic free, organic, vegan and all natural products. Every time they add a product our income goes up,

because the people in the system will add that product to their household.

Every time they add a product our marketability goes up, because we now have more to offer and

someone that did not like the list of products we had may like the new products. So we make more money.



In April I will be 52 years young. I don’t have the time or energy to keep building a business just to

have the market change or the product be not so popular so my income goes away.

One more company one more time. But to have a one more company it needs to be “anyway products”

But the products need to be somewhat special like toxic free, organic, vegan and all natural.


“Can you just give me an idea … and be honest…. just how hard this will be for someone who is

brand new and has no experience with MLM.”


It will be hard. It’s hard for everyone. It’s hard for me. But it’s SO worth it. and really what’s our option?

It will feel hard when you are going through it but after it’s done you will look back and think

“that was not that bad”

I don’t know how many people it will take to make you the money you need. All I know is that it’s a numbers game.


But the key is in your statement here


“I need a financial miracle, as well as something to be passionate about.”


“I need a financial miracle” How bad do you really need it and is it just a need

or a burning desire, a MUST HAVE. Because you can need it and still not do anything about it.

I see that every day. Everyone I know needs something but very few are willing to do what it takes to have it,

because it’s just a need. NOT a desire.


“something to be passionate about” This is key also.

The more passionate about your desire to have more or

to get out of the financial bind or bondage you are in, and / or your passion to save families and

children from toxic build up or financial ruin the better you will be at sharing. It’s like being on a crusade.

You will be much more effective with passion even if it’s personal passion to change your financial future.

Your WHY is the most important thing. WHY would you do this. How bad do you really want your dreams and goals.

Or how bad do you really want change? That’s all that maters.


“Also, I do not have any money at all to waste on a “pipe dream”.”


Let me ask you this. At your age and your husbands age what are your options?

Find a new job to barely pay the bills for the rest of our lives to die broke and broken?

That is NOT for me. NO WAY. I would rather die trying then give up.

God gave me / you a dream in our heart.

If that dream is from God and we both know it is, then God also gave us everything we need to accomplish

that dream and make it come true. God would not give that dream to us without ALL it will take to make it come

true. I know for a fact my God is NOT a jokester. It’s up to US to accomplish HIS dream for us.

So what will it take and can you do it and will it be worth it. The million dollar questions.

If I told you to ask 1000 people “are you open to other ways of making money”

and you did that in one year that you would be making $10,000 a month. Would you do it?

What if I told you, you would be making $20,000 a month. Would you ask 1000 people

“are you open to other ways of making money”??

Network Marketing is a numbers game. The more you ask the more that will say yes

and the more you ask the better you get so the more that will say yes. That is a fact.

I don’t know what your percentage will be, but if 1 out of 10 said YES how many will you ask?

In most cases it’s 1 out of 5 say yes.

If you asked 1000 you would sign up 100 people. If 10% built a business that would be 10

people building a business.


Reality is you probably will not get to 1000 people. This is just an analogies to show the numbers.

It truly may only take half that many. Or it might take twice as many. I don’t know.

But all I know is it’s SO worth it and for most like myself, I don’t have an option and I believe

from the bottom of my heart Mommy’s Club is the best long term opportunity I have seen in a very long time.

Plus I know the owners and they will become very successful in Mommy’s Club with or without us.

Do we want to be apart of it or not.


And YES it is a Faith Based company.



I hope this helped you and answered your questions

If not ask again or please call me 916-798-8508

Mommys Club is Faith Based


Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity



 Connect with me on FaceBook HERE


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