God and Wealth

God and Wealth

Receive the Wealth of god


The Bible has a lot to say about money, wealth, greed, contentment and a variety of other topics as they pertain to our financial and spiritual lives.

Living your dream is not easy. It takes tenacity and persistence along with faith in yourself and in God. Your faith in the vision that God gave to you. Your dreams and vision for yourself are from God. And If God gave you the vision of wealth and prosperity, then he gave you everything you will need to achieve it and accomplish God’s vision for you.

The wealth of God

God wants you to be wealthy. So many times I meet people that don’t think they deserve to have Gods blessing of wealth. They think because of past mistakes or because they are a sinner they don’t deserve Gods blessing or that God would not bless them. I want you to think about Daniel of the Bible. God gave him a vision. Now Daniel was not a perfect person he committed adultery and murder just to mention a few. Now I’m not saying you have a free ride to commit adultery or murder God will still deal with you on his time, but the vision is still from God. God will even use bad people with bad intent to serve his purpose. God knows what he’s doing. Trust in him. It says in the Bible that the faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain. It also says faith without works is dead. You can have all the faith in the world, but if you don’t pick up a shovel the mountain is not moving. The Bible also says that the slacker won’t eat. God wants you to work hard., God wants you to receive the wealth of God.

God and Money

The church needs you to receive the wealth of God. There are preachers and greater’s and choir singers. God gives us all gifts. If God gave you a gift of making money it’s your gift to God to make as much as you can. Do well with your money bless the church, bless your pastor, bless the children of God, but remember to bless yourself as well. God made Lambergeniis and big houses and God gave you the ability to make the money to have a fat bank account. Bliss God by receiving his offering to you.


It’s Better to give then receive!

Hog wash!!! Giving is 50 – 50. If all you do is give and you don’t ever receive you are denying someone the gift of giving. There is always a giver and a receiver for every gift. Can you imagine if the orphanages of the world believed it was better to give, then receive? They would not receive any gifts. You have to finish the circle of giving by receiving. It is a blessing to give and to receive. So make sure you receive all the gifts that God has for you including wealth.


The devil and the wealth of God.

It takes a lot of money to do God’s work. The devil wants you to believe you don’t deserve to be wealthy or you don’t deserve to be blessed. The devil knows your weaknesses. He will use your sins against you. Remember Jesus died for your sins. They have all been washed away by the blood of Jesus. (as long as you believe that. If not I can’t help you with that Only Jesus can) If you truly believe that Jesus died for your sins, then give them to Him. Release the guilt of past sins to Jesus and receive the wealth of God that he has for you. So you can bless the needs of God. Satan becomes active in your life when he sees you’re about to take hold of your destiny. Listen God can have anything he wants. He does not need you or me to make money to build the church or to feed the hungry. God can create all things. But God wants you to be a part of it all. God wants you to realize that threw Him you can accomplish anything. It’s the faith and trust in God that will give you wealth not the Love of Money. His dream for your life can be fulfilled, even in the face of insurmountable adds.


 God and Money

God and Wealth

Remember the most wealthy place on earth is the cemetery. Yes the cemetery because that’s where all the unfulfilled dreams are. The cemetery is where the invention that never got invented, the idea that could have changed the world is buried there, the gifts that God tried to gift to people, but they never received them Yes the cemetery is the riches place on earth. Don’t go to your grave with God’s gifts still in you.


It is important to have a right heart without greed. When greed creeps into our heart we tend to want the object of our desires to provide us with long lasting satisfaction so we can feel complete. Greed tells us that happiness comes from being rich and having power. We must remember the words of Paul in the Bible. Paul told Timothy that the way to overcome greed is to flee from it and to “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness” (1 Timothy 6:11). Wealth can be a blessing or a curse depending on one’s attitude about it.


I was praying that God would help solve my money problems, but I would not receive the blessings he was trying to give me. I was turning down great income opportunities because I had a problem with making money. For some reason I thought that only broke people made it to heaven. I thought that it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then a rich man to go to heaven. So as I’m on my knees at night praying for God to bless me. One night I got a little mad at God and said” God you say you will answer my prayer and you will supply all my needs, but you are not here for me now when I need you so much” At that time I received a vision of all the way’s God was giving me money making opportunities that I did not take because I did not want to take advantage of people or I did not think I deserved success or I thought it was bad to make money. I was asking for help and God was trying to help. I just was not receiving the blessings God wanted me to have. God wants you and me to prosper. God owns all things so let him give you all your desires.


We must think differently. We must not be conformed to the world, but instead transformed by the renewing our minds. It’s important not to have a poverty mentality. Zig Ziglar once said that if we focus on what’s missing in owner life and not on what we have can lead to further poverty. For some of us this mentality was taught to us by an early age. Have you ever asked for something as a child and your parents said: “we can’t afford that”? That is a perfect example of a poverty mentality. How you think about money can affect you and your family’s future? It can also effect your children and their future. It can definitely block you from prospering financially. God does not want us to be broke. He wants us to prosper. What is your relationship with money? Are you afraid that if you give yourself the right to think you are worthy of wealth, then you’re going to lock yourself into the material world of greed? Allow yourself to desire wealth. We must first have money to provide for ourselves and others. We cannot give financially to charities and organizations without money.

God and Wealth

Desiring wealth does not make you any less spiritual.

True wealth comes by trusting in god. When you trust in god and get out of your own way you are actually opening doors to a more prosperous life. The hardest thing for people to do is to let go and trust.

God gave the dream to you. If he wanted someone else to achieve it He would have given them the dream. Don’t stop at the river bank to the land of milk and honey. Cross the river and receive all the gifts that God has for you.

Vincent St.Louis

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