Conquer the Hardship Mountain

Conquer the Hardship MountainThink about the hardship our forefathers went through. They came to this country with the same dreams as you and I have. To control their own future. To have the opportunity to create a better life for their family. To be free to pursue a better life.


Take a moment and really think about the physical conditions they endured – months and month at sea in a leaky ship. With limited food and water. And for months going without seeing and land at all. The doubt that must have creeped in on the crew and the passengers. When they arrived at the new world they literally had nothing. The had to build a settlement with crud tools and find food in a new world. They had to face the elements and a brutal winter with limited means. Terrible illnesses with very little medical attention.


The amazing thing is, they went through all that hardship for the same thing you and I want: an opportunity to be somebody and to control our own destiny.

Just think about the little problems that every day we let defeat us. So many times we just stop trying. We get beat up by life and we quit.


The key is; you don’t have to live that way. You can make a decision to fight. You must fight for your dreams. Fight for your dreams just like our forefathers did.


MLM Success

Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity




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