Black Diamond University

Black Diamond University what it is, what it was and what it will be.


I was one of the founding distributors in Black Diamond University (BDU) I helped create and implement many of the tools in BDU. Jim Bellacera was my sponsor, but my mentors where at first John Gopaul for the year I went Diamond and then the last two years Darrell Utterbach was my mentor. (more on that later)

 Black Diamond University what it was

BDU started as MIT success MonaVie International Training System and soon after changed their name to Black Diamond University also known as BDU. No matter what you may think or what you have heard BDU and the mentorship of Darrell Utterbach are responsible for creating the fastest black diamonds in MonaVie (yes plural, more than one) and the fastest royal black diamond and the youngest Black diamond. The California gold rush in MonaVie was all created using the BDU system of a simple success module training system of two training modules. The training was simple and very duplicate able. And zero profit , meaning it was cheap for the new distributors.


Black Diamond University was run by Darrell Utterbach and Jim Bellacera

along with Steve Airola. With participation from distributors like Tonya Hamblin, Ian McKenzie, Vincent St.Louis and others. BDU was foundedBlack Diamond University , BDU on the principle of low cast no fluff tools that gave people what was needed to build a successful MonaVie business without the high cost and self promotion of any one leader. Darrell Utterbach had a heart for the people. Darrell was focused on helping people become the best they could be.


The BDU system created a very big run of Blue Diamond, Hawwaiin Blue, Black Diamonds and Royal Black Diamonds. The system was to give your new team members a four CD set with booklet that taught them everything needed to take their MonaVie business from start to success and SO many did just that.


I was personally mentored by Darrell Utterbach the last two years of his life. My team and Peter and Jodi Hoogenhoff where the last leaders that stayed with Darrell. I don’t want to get into why others left. I believe many times in the network marketing industry people get catapulted into success at an alarming rate. Without personal growth many times that lack of self growth can create a problem. I have typed this part several times trying to tell a story without being negative or putting others down and honestly it can’t be done. So out of respect to MonaVie and their leaders I will just say Darrell was NOT the problem.

I stood by Darrell’s side as my leader because I was committed to my leader. Darrell was my friend and my mentor. His guidance got me to the rank I am at and got so many others to the rank they are at and I was not going to forget that. Darrell and I met for lunch the day before he pasted away. All we talked about was the future with MonaVie. We talked about how we were going to bless the world with our vision. We talked about the people in his team we where making plans for the future. Very big plans.

Darrell your vision is strong in my heart. Your vision is strong in my future. I will carry on with all that Darrell taught me and carry his spirit spredd his love for the people in everything I do.

So what next with MonaVie?

I remember many times Darrell talking about how he tried to get Dallin Larson founder of MonaVie to have one system. Now it is true. One system in MonaVie I even heard Dallin say on stage that Darrel tried for many years to get one system and Dallin finely listened. MonaVie 2.0 MVP is here. MVP is a MonaVie’s global training and support system. All the systems have lowered their banner and joined MonaVie MVP “MonaVie Values People” system no more BDU no more R3 Global. Yes we will still have teams you will always have teams and lines of sponsorship. The way I look at it is. Just like the NFL you have different teams you have the Raiders, the Cults, New Englin, but they are all part of the NFL. We are MonaVie and we all support and use MVP.


If you found this article and are looking to get back involved with MonaVie and are looking for a leader that has the same principles you loved about Darrell Utterbach I am here to help. Darrell is, was and always will be my leader. I talk to his wife Tracy on a weekly basses. I even spoke at Derrals funeral alongside Dallin Larson. If you are looking to rejoin MonaVie contact me and help me carry the BDU legacy on. You can email me at or hunt me up on facebook.

This is a text I recieved by Darrell after he spoke at my TEAM 212 convention

“Vincent St.Louis, I have been around this industry for over 20 years, and I have witnessed countless events by distributor groups and corporations. Your event was a very special event, beyond anything I could ever possibly express to someone not in attendance. Tracy and I were moved beyond words and certain we just witnessed the birth of many of MonaVie’s Diamonds and Black Diamonds. Future greatness was all over that room. Vincent your leadership is outstanding. Over the last 20 years I have been around many leaders in the Network Marketing industry, but Vincent St.Louis you rank up there with the top leaders in this industry. I just witnessed greatness in you beyond anything I have ever seen. I am honored to call you my friend and business partner.”

Darrell Utterbach, MonaVie Royal Black Diamond

Darrell Utterback

My name is Vincent St.Louis and I am MonaVie


Vincent St.Louis

Chief Inspiration Officer

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