Mommy’s Club Google Hangout

Posted on December 27, 2013 | Filed Under Generic

Mommys Club Hangout

Why did Mike and Sahi Hernandez and Vincent and Kari St.Louis and SO many more join Mommys Club?

Vincent and Mike

 What is Mommys Club?



Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity



 Connect with me on FaceBook HERE


If you found this article on Mommy’s Club Google Hangout useful please comment and share it.

Merry Christmas

Posted on December 22, 2013 | Filed Under Generic

santa RESIDUAL INCOME Merry Christmas I have a GIFT for you.

It’s a gift that keeps on giving. It’s called RESIDUAL INCOME and it has been known to help people live longer, stress free lives.

8 years ago Kari and I found an opportunity in it’s creativity stage and went from a broke carpenter, working 60 to 70 hours a week to residual income in less than 2 years. We have not had a JOB for 6 years now. This type of lifestyle is priceless. It’s healthy. It’s the abundant lifestyle that God wants for each of us. Including YOU.

We’re 10 days away from the new year. 2014 can be drastically different for you….IF, you take action and make the necessary changes like we did back 8 years ago. Right now, at this very moment, you are sitting on the same timing as our story above.

The opportunity we seized back in 2005 was a great one. But, it will pale in comparison to where we are headed now. We’ll make millions with this opportunity and some will say,

“Well, if I would have started when you did, I would have made millions too.”

Well, now is your chance to start when we are. Seize the opportunity!

I just found out that as a Charter Member of Mommy’s Club, there is a bonus pool that you will have access to that is exclusive to Mommy’s Club Charter Members. This means that if you have been sitting on the fence just to wait and see, the time to act is NOW! Charter Membership enrolling ends January 1st. Who wants to have access to a bonus pool of a Billion dollar brand!

Message me to learn what Mommy’s Club all about and why is Vincent and Kari are involved. There is WAY more to it then you think. TRUST me on that. Call me or message me and I will give you the information that could change your life in 2014. Please don’t let this pass you by. >>>>>>


Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity



 Connect with me on FaceBook HERE


If you found this article on Merry Christmas useful please comment and share it.

Mommy’s Club

Posted on December 20, 2013 | Filed Under Generic

Mommy's ClubMommy’s Club is a membership club

where members can earn points and cash on the product they purchase and any products purchased by anyone they refer. Also they have the opportunity to become a Mommys Club Pro Rep and build a team and earn a part time or full time income. This approach combines the best features of a buying club with the earning power of interactive distribution and relationship Marketing.


Mommy’s Club Story

What started as a local mom’s club play date in a living room with six moms and seven kids, turned into a mission to make the safest toxic-free, natural and organic products affordable for families.

The dad overheard talk of rashes, runny noses, germs and diapers as the six moms shared remedies, parenting advice and product recommendations. He heard how expensive organic products and toxic-free products were. After researching the everyday products that his family was using they were horrified to discover the amount of toxic ingredients and chemicals their family was exposed to daily. Read more