Quitters, Campers and Climbers

Posted on November 30, 2010 | Filed Under Generic

There’s a story told about a mountain in the Swiss Alps.

Half way up this mountain there is a stop called the Halfway House, named this because it was located exactly halfway up one of the mountains. People climbing the peak would stop to rest before continuing on their journey. About half of the climbers would say, “Hey, we’re just going to wait here. We’re going to settle in. The rest of you go on ahead and we’ll catch you on the way back.” Everyday about half of the climbers would go on up the mountain and the other half would linger behind. Those who chose to remain would wave goodbye to the others and then they’d spend the next hour or so playing games, relaxing and talking, and indulging in more coffee and desserts. But around 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon, something always happened among the group that decided to stay behind.

Members of the group would begin to go over to the large picture window, look up at the top of the peak, and wonder about the others. Read more

The Meaning of Life-A Thanksgiving Story

Posted on November 24, 2010 | Filed Under Generic


After my good friend and mentor Darrell Utterbach passed, I started thinking about how many lives he effected and the impact he had on future generations.

I started to realize the impact we have in the industry I’m in to affect lives I will never know.The impact of a man like Darrell on my life,  just one person in the many is staggering.

I realized we not only have an obligation, but also an opportunity. The obligation is to the people out there looking for HOPE. The opportunity is- there are people out there that God has given them a dream and this business will help them accomplish that dream. If you are not the link in the chain that will lead this business opportunity to them someone else will. Gods’ dream will find a way. Read more

Action Cures Fear

Posted on November 4, 2010 | Filed Under Generic, Network Marketing

The other day I was told “It’s in God’s hands” I don’t believe that.

Now there are things that are out of our control and I do believe we need God to accomplish anything, but they were talking about their business.

God wants to bless you, but he can’t bless a parked car.

God wants to bless your actions. Even Gideon had to take action. God said look at the birds in the field they don’t worry for the next meal, but the birds go out every day to get their meal. It goes on to say They don’t store up, no it’s there DMO (daily method of operation) that feeds them. They don’t worry because they take action every day. Read more