MLM tips and tricks

Tips and Tricks for successful Network Marketing

MLM tips and tricksTIPS & TRICKS

1. Split bulk orders with your team to allow you to have stock on hand at a lower price. Place the order in the lowest position to generate volume from the bottom up.


2. Run reports on Fridays or at end of commission cycle – At end of commission cycle, run a Rank Advancement report to see if anyone is close to achieving the next rank. If yes, be proactive, give them a call, and offer them support. Work with them to get to the next rank. Then work your way upline letting everyone know that person is changing rank and help their upline to take advantage of it and change rank also. By working from the bottom up you can get one person to change rank and then use that to help many other people change rank. Create volume from the bottom up. While you’re in your virtual office, also check to see if there are any autoships that did not ship for any reason. If yes, give them a call and see if they would like your help to fix their order.

3. Sign people up on a paper application. If at all possible don’t tell people to go to your website and sign them self up. Get them on the phone or in person and you fill out the application for them or give it to them to fill out. When they start filling out the app. It’s time for you to STOP talking. People cannot fill out a form and listen to you talk. As soon as you start talking they will stop writing. If you feel you need to talk then you ask the questions and you enter the answers on the application.


4. The Sling – When you get a sign-up, don’t run and enter the application into the computer. Instead, call anyone you have introduced the product and/or business to and ask them if they’d like to get in first (before you enter your application) and start off with one person in their business. If they say “yes,” repeat this process (i.e. calls another prospect and inform them they can have 2 people under them if they decide today). I’ve had distributor’s sign-up 5-10 prospects in one week using this process.


5. Schedule a meeting from a meeting. Each time you meet with a prospect, a distributor for training, or conduct a home business review, try to schedule another meeting. If you accomplish this effectively, you will properly follow up with prospects, train new distributors. When doing a meeting place your planner on the table to remind you to set the next appointment


6. Three way calling – When you’re new in the business, feel free to use three way calling so that someone more experienced can help get your prospects to a First Look presentation.


Here’s a short video for more tips and trick to a successful MLM business


MLM Success


Chief Inspiration Officer
Vincent St.Louis
Fighting the forces of Mediocrity




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